
“Artificial intelligence in journalism” by Santiago Tejedor | Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación (UAB)

Santiago Tejedor, professor and director of the Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación, presents the book “La inteligencia artificial en el periodismo: “Miradas de expertos sobre los riesgos, las oportunidades y los desafíos de la comunicación robotizada en las comarcas gironinas” (Artificial intelligence in journalism: expert views on the risks, opportunities and challenges of robotised communication in the counties of Girona). This work, supported by the Carles Rahola grant awarded by Girona City Council, has allowed Tejedor to study and analyse the possibilities of AI in the context of the local and regional press.

The book includes the reflections of 31 experts who, from different disciplines and approaches, reflect on AI and its contributions and challenges in a technological context of changing transformations and where local and regional journalism demands clear guidelines and references to be able to articulate a solvent strategy in their spheres of influence. To this end, Tejedor has analysed documents and, in addition to working with experts, has talked to journalists and managers of different media in Girona. The result is a hitherto non-existent work that establishes lines of work while identifying possibilities and threats in the journalistic field.

“We are at a juncture marked by dichotomous views on AI. The best way forward, however, would be to identify it as a complement or reinforcement to the daily work of journalism professionals. To this end, it will be crucial for academia to establish bridges of dialogue and collaboration with the industry, on the one hand, and for pedagogy to be committed to enabling citizens to understand this technological development with all its positive aspects and all the elements that introduce dangers, threats and uncertainties. It is essential to have a critical debate based on rigour and ethics,” Tejedor points out.

On the other hand, Tejedor brings together a series of resources that help journalists in their work of searching for, managing and producing content of different types and approaches. The research consolidates the author’s career in this field, where he has published a manual, various articles and several reports on journalism and AI.

The work, available in Catalan, is openly available at the following link.

The Gabinete de Comunicación y de Educación is a consolidated group specialised in scientific research and dissemination, which belongs to the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Recognised by AGAUR (Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca) of the Generalitat de Catalunya as a Consolidated Research Group on the basis of its trajectory, projection and development, it develops projects and research in the field of convergence between communication and education. Since its creation, it has developed initiatives aimed at integrating, with awareness and freedom, communication technologies in the so-called global or knowledge society. Under the direction of Santiago Tejedor, the Gabinete organises different Master’s Degrees, such as the Master’s Degree in Travel Journalism (on-site and online), the Master’s Degree in Communication and Education, the Master’s Degree in Environmental Communication and the Master’s Degree in Political and Electoral Communication Management. The group has a wide and varied collection of publications, in the form of scientific articles, books and book chapters, and other works, which is constantly being renewed. It also has a laboratory for teaching innovation projects, transfer and new formats conceived and developed from a perspective based on creativity and multidisciplinary work.

The Gabinete organises every year an academic expedition that travels around the world with students from different universities and careers. This is the Tahina-Can Expedition, which has been awarded as the best educational project in Spain. It also has the portal Tu Aventura, the educational platform InfoEDU, news games, and science project Reporter@s de la Ciencia.

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