About the International MIL Institute
The International Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Institute stands as a global beacon for advancing Media and Information Literacy worldwide. Born out of a collaborative vision by the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Network (MILID UNITWIN Network), it is the culmination of a rigorous feasibility study conducted by leading international experts. This transformative initiative was solidified through formal agreements among universities, research centers, and members of the MILID Network, paving the way for a vibrant, interconnected global community.
With its headquarters at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain, the MIL Institute serves as a global hub for capacity building, research, policy development, and knowledge dissemination in MIL. The Institute operates through an inclusive geographical structure comprising regional centers and local offices, with representation from every continent. Its board includes signatories from renowned institutions showcasing its truly global character and influence, including: Cairo University (Egypt), Western Sydney University (Australia), the University of São Paulo (Brazil), University of Lagos (Nigeria), University of Guadalajara (Mexico), Temple University (USA), Moscow Pedagogical State University (Russia), Punjabi University (India), University of Minho (Portugal), Hosei University (Japan), The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt), The Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE) and McLuhan Foundation (Canada)
The MIL Institute collaborates actively with UNESCO’s Media and Information Literacy Alliance and works tirelessly towards achieving UNESCO’s MIL goals. Its core functions span from mapping MIL policies and providing training to assessing policies and fostering intercultural dialogue. The Institute’s regional centers, housed in prestigious universities worldwide, drive localized yet globally informed initiatives, ensuring that MIL principles resonate across diverse cultural and educational landscapes.
As a hub of excellence, the Institute is dedicated to promoting advanced degrees, fostering global networks, and enhancing research capacities, underpinned by a robust and autonomous governance structure. The International MIL Institute embodies the power of collaboration and innovation, shaping a more informed, inclusive, and media-literate world.
Meet the Board

Dr. José Manuel Pérez Tornero – Co-Director
Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Media and Information Literacy and Quality Journalism. Emeritus Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Coordinator of the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Cooperation Program. Former President of Spanish Public Radio and Television (RTVE).
He holds the title of Doctor honoris causa from Aix-Marseille University and is a full professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. A journalist and media expert, he is recognized as one of the pioneers of media literacy in Europe.
As a member of the EU High-Level Group of Experts on Media Literacy, he led studies that facilitated the integration of media literacy as a key objective in European legislation. He also served as a former member of the Board of Directors of the European Broadcasting Union. He has authored numerous books, including Humanism and Media Literacy, Educational Television, and his most recent work, The Great Mediatization. In this latest book, he highlights the threats posed by the “digital tsunami” to personal
autonomy and freedoms, advocating for critical thinking and the adoption of effective media policies to protect individual liberties.

Dr. Samy Tayie – Co-Director
Professor at the Faculty of Mass Communication of Cairo University, Egypt. He also acts as a visiting professor at UAB, Spain. He received his first degrees from Cairo University and his PhDs from Leicester University, UK. and la Sorbonne, France. His main areas of interest include media and information literacy, social marketing, new communication technology and media research methods. He has published a few books on media research methods, media education, advertising and public relations. He has also published a few articles on different areas of mass communication. He supervised more than 80 MA and PhD theses. He organized and participated in many international meetings in the Middle East, Europe and the United States. He also worked for some regional and international organizations including the United Nations. He is a member of the Scientific Board of Comunicar. He is also Lead of Arab States Chapter of UNESCO’s MIL Alliance.