UNESCO Network for Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue launches Cairo’s declaration for global understanding and peace

June 19, 2024

On 22, 23 and 24 April, the Mil Global understanding conference took place in Cairo (Egypt), organised by the UNESCO Programme for Cooperation in Media Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (coordinated by Dr. José Manuel Pérez Tornero), promoted by the Arab chapter of the network (coordinated by Dr. Samy Taye) and sponsored by the Arab League (led by its Secretary General, Dr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit). More than 300 experts and policy makers from all over the world participated, with a strong presence of Arab countries.  

The conference focused on exploring and discussing initiatives and projects that can contribute to making Media and Information Literacy (MIL) a tool for promoting global understanding and peace. It highlighted the need for media and journalism to dissolve prejudices and stereotypes that foster hatred and confrontation, and to advance mutual understanding between different countries and social groups by combating misinformation and hate speech. Special emphasis was also placed on the need to foster inter-religious dialogue as a necessary condition for global understanding.

The main outcome of the conference was the adoption of a declaration for global understanding that summarises the points that will be disseminated internationally during the summer months of this year and a concrete action programme that will be shaped throughout 2024.

The declaration is available on the official website of the International Media & Information Literacy Institute in English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

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