OI2 – Observatory for News Innovation in the Digital Society | Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación (UAB)


New users, new television. In a communication environment in which digital technology is taking root and penetrating all areas, television is obliged to reinvent itself.

Capturing new audiences, offering creative content based on user intervention or convergence with other media and exploring new formats are some of the possibilities facing ‘TV’. This is a possible horizon, in a context in which young people are migrating to the Internet to consume news, but also in which the audiovisual is configured as one of the star languages of the panorama.

OI2, the Observatory for News Innovation in the Digital Society aims to:

  • give visibility to the latest trends in the field of news and television
  • show how these initiatives are developed in a sustainable way, with business models in line with today’s economy.

Case studies, trend reports, meetings and interviews with experts as well as the presentation of good practices are some of the activities that will be developed within the framework of this research platform, promoted by Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) and carried out by two higher education institutions: the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Universidad CEU San Pablo.

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