IVERES – Identification, Verification and Response | Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación (UAB)


IVERES: Identification, Verification and Response is a project of the RTVE-UAB Chair, led by the Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación and RTVE, which aims to create a system for the verification of information in Spanish against self-interested disinformation. This project is part of the Next Generation programme promoted by the European Union through the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

IVERES ‘Identification, Verification and Response. The democratic state facing the challenge of disinterested disinformation’ seeks to develop an information verification system in Spanish that includes, on the one hand, a user interface that naturally collects questions from people who want to verify content and returns a reasoned report that allows them to make decisions. In its experimental development phases, the verification system developed will be available for use by RTVE journalists and is expected to be made available in the future to other professionals from authorised public and private institutions. The duration of the project is 36 months.

The project has the collaboration of other universities such as the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the Universidad de Granada and the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.

The research is led by the RTVE-UAB Chair, directed by Santiago Tejedor, director of the Gabinete de Comunicación y Educación, and Pedro Vila Fumas, director of Technology, Innovation and Systems at RTVE.

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